Chimay Passe? Beer Education Chimay Passe? No way! Sure, 18 years ago Chimay was an exotic wonder for the curious beer…Peter CherpackNovember 16, 2009
TJU 10/28 Phils or Beer? Both! Beer Education TJU 10/28 Phils or Beer? Both! When I was asked to teach "Beer 101" at TJU last July, I would not…Peter CherpackNovember 6, 2009
Lagers of the Islands Beer Education Lagers of the Islands If you are fortunate enough to visit exotic islands for work or vacation, what's on…Peter CherpackOctober 23, 2009
Beer Searching at Phils Game Beer Events Beer Searching at Phils Game It's great that Citizens Bank Park has good local craft beer available all throughout the…Peter CherpackOctober 12, 2009
BeerAppreciation Does Syracuse – Empire Brewing and The Blue Tusk Beer Education BeerAppreciation Does Syracuse – Empire Brewing and The Blue Tusk I can’t say enough about the fine brewpub “Empire Brewing” in the Armory Square…Peter CherpackOctober 5, 2009
BeerAppreciation Inspiration! Beer Education BeerAppreciation Inspiration! Would BeerAppreciation exist without great inspirational beer mentors like Michael Jackson and Philly's own Tom…Peter CherpackOctober 5, 2009
Vermont Pub and Brewery Beer Education Vermont Pub and Brewery Since opening in 1988 they have grown into an award winning brewery – including medals…Peter CherpackOctober 5, 2009
Nano Brewer Sean Lawson at Vermont Cheese Fest Beer Events Nano Brewer Sean Lawson at Vermont Cheese Fest Sean Lawson is what is called a “nano brewer” -- which is smaller than a…Peter CherpackSeptember 10, 2009
Dropping in on Magic Hat Beer Events Dropping in on Magic Hat Found my way to Burlington Vermont last weekend (didn’t know it was THAT hot in…Peter CherpackSeptember 8, 2009
American Craft BeerFest 2009 Beer Festivals American Craft BeerFest 2009 Was my sincere pleasure to attend the American Craft BeerFest in Boston on June 19th…Peter CherpackAugust 19, 2009
Visitation – Earth Bread + Brewery – 7135 Germantown Ave, Phila Beer Events Visitation – Earth Bread + Brewery – 7135 Germantown Ave, Phila I had been meaning to go to this place for months, having read so much…Peter CherpackAugust 18, 2009
Allagash Brewing Beer Dinner at Fork Beer Dinners Allagash Brewing Beer Dinner at Fork Renowned chef Terence Feury of Fork teamed up with Allagash Brewing on August 13th to…Peter CherpackAugust 18, 2009