Brewing up Bucks County’s Best At Neshaminy Creek

The Neshaminy staff - showing their colors and their barrels! Established less that a year…
Peter CherpackMay 12, 2013
Celebrating New Beer Appreciation at the Oakmont Pub

This is how we roll in the web age... in the beer age... I am…
Peter CherpackMay 10, 2013
91. Magic Hat Brewery, S. Burlington VT, 2009

Spooky Tastings at the Magic Hat
Peter CherpackMay 9, 2013
Welcome to the dawn of the NEW!

Yes, we went away for a bit, but now we now rise again - brighter…
Peter CherpackMay 9, 2013
90. Sierra Nevada Brewery, Chico CA, 2009

Sierra soldiers off to quench the masses...
Peter CherpackMay 8, 2013
Peter at the Brewtopia

Peter at the Brewtopia BrewFest in New York City, October '06
Peter CherpackMay 7, 2013
Author Lew Bryson teaches Beer Appreciation class

Author Lew Bryson teaches Beer Appreciation class, Spring ‘06
Peter CherpackMay 7, 2013