Established less that a year ago, Neshaminy Creek Brewing – located just off I 95 in Croydon Pa (think not quite up to Trenton) is already thinking about expanding. Located in an huge factory building, they have already exceeded their first year expectations, and just started bottling. My friend Paul and I wandered in after a Trenton Thunder game one Sunday afternoon (the Thunder crushed the Richmond Flying Squirrels!) and the bottles of Leon Russian Imperial Stout released that day were flying out the door.
The 3 partners were all there – including Jeremy Myers the head brewer – his most recent stop being River Horse in Lamberville – who talked about his passion around NSB. He shared with us how important it was to be sure they served the locals – as that is always the most important customer. “This is a blue collar town – they don’t all want to drink off the wall 9% beers” (their coconut milk stout being off the wall, and their Leon Russell Imperial Stout is… 11.6 ABV!).
One of Jeremy’s interests is to brew lagers – a practice that many small breweries avoid – as it ties up the tanks too long, and is more difficult to brew correctly. Jeremy shared a pour of his Vienna Lager – which was refreshing with just enough caramel backbone to deliver a fine version of the style. “I want to brew lagers – I enjoy the German standard styles. I also tried to incorporate the best I learned from River Horse and not make some of the same mistakes. One of the reasons we have so much space here is that I wanted to be able to easily expand.” “I am making some lacto sours in port barrels – I am enjoying tasting them and seeing how the are changing, they should be ready in six months. We have put some of our Imperial Stout in Wild Turkey Barrels – which should be ready by June.”
Jeremy, Rob, Steve are the owners and all of the employees – well, mostly – as one of their fathers runs the gift shop – and that afternoon the three and some folks from Bella Vista were throwing around the football outside the brewery, and just enjoying the fruits of their hard labor. Later when I tried the Imperial Stout, I was blown away by the maltiness and dark rich chocolate flavors. They say there’s house made marshmallow fluff and graham crackers in there – realllllly? Well, its sweet, brawny and savory, and it’s a definite “closer beer” for me at near wine strength. (A power to be used for good and not evil!). And, even with that – that clean fresh Vienna Lager stays in my memory.
Drop by and visit these fellows – enjoy their brews and success. If you are a Bucks county BeerAppreciator reading this – and you haven’t been there already – or had their beer at a local venue – go there – or ask for it. So much great beer in the Phila area.. so little time!